
Showing posts from January, 2020

I didn't like Kabir Singh

There is something really wrong with my breech. I can't sit for very long. This is the reason I opted for a part time and the biggest reason why I avoid going for movies. This does not at all mean I don't like watching movies. Infact you just confer about a film or simply appreciate any movie and I make sure to take time out and watch it. Just as Kabir Singh showed on all my colleagues zoomed to the theatres to watch it excepting me due to the good excuse of course. Next day was solely dedicated to Shahid. It was like overnight he'd become a youth icon. Not that this was the first time he has performed well or this was totally a fresh concept as we all know that the movie was a remake of Arjun Reddy. As far as I am concerned I have always admired Shahid and even his recent  Batti Gul Meter Chalu was quite good. Infact I was wondering why did it didn't do great on the box office despite of his mind blowing performance. So now the man seems to have certainly flagged in a